
Forever721 NFT Analysis

NFTs are permanent. Sometimes their contents are not.

Know exactly what's inside your NFT, and how permanent it really is.

Analyze an NFT below 👇

Scan an NFT

Audit an NFT by address

OpenSea URL

What if your BAYC became a 💩?

NFT ownership is permanently recorded on the blockchain.

However, for some NFTs, the metadata that we all recognize and love (the image, name, rarity attributes) could change at any time. It all depends on how the developers set up the NFTs.

How does Forever721 work?

Forever721 shows you exactly what is in the NFT you see while browsing OpenSea.

See our letter grade evaluation and the properties that affect the durability of that NFT in real time.


The gold standard with on-chain metadata


Metadata stored on a decentralized storage solution like IPFS


Metadata may be stored durably but core properties may use non-best practices or third-party pinning services.


Metadata properties point to privately-owned servers, and could change at any time.


Metadata points to privately-owned server and can change at any time.

Open source and created with ❤️ by Startup Dev